If the idea of investing in astrological services is new to you or you are skeptical, it helps many times to review the experiences of others.Most of our clients prefer complete anonymity which is of course understandable.But the kind people below have given their permission to sharetheir experiences with Star Path and Ms. Day publicly.
– Amanda Borghese
I have known Antoinette Day for approximately 30 years. She was introduced to me thru a friend of Jackie Gleason’s daughter. At the time, I was informed that Antoinette had worked with many famous people, both in Hollywood, and around the world. So I was quite intrigued to meet with her. And I was not disappointed! Her insight and predictions, over the years, have been phenomenal. The accuracy of her forecasts, her candor, her positive feedback, and ethical treatment of information given and received, is all part of why Antoinette, as an Astrologer, is so exceptional. Little by little, my entire family has had Antoinette do their Astrological Charts, and/or “Progressions”.
We continually recommended her to many, many friends. And – I would highly recommend her to ANYONE who is seeking more information regarding their life’s path, and the myriad of choices available to them as they progress down that path, while creating their soul’s destiny.
– Lyn Deroy, Amelia Island, FL, New Jersey
“I met Antoinette Day at a lecture she gave on Astrology which left me eager to learn more. Antoinette Day is a gifted astrologer with a tremendous heart.
My husband and I asked her to draw up an Astrological Chart for our newborn grandson. It is beautifully crafted and full of interesting and fascinating details, a truly unique and lasting gift.
Our son and daughter-in-law are thrilled, a treasure to keep for their son.
If you are looking for the perfect gift for your newborn child or grandchild this is it.
You will not be disappointed.”
– Paul Lamb | Ridgewood, NJ
I have been privileged to have known Ms. Day for over forty years. Her astrological readings have always given me invaluable positive insight, guidance and confidence about life and my place in it. As well as being a master astrologer with decades of experience that enable her to see beyond the veil of time she is also true a spiritual master and teacher and has been all the years that I have known her. I have enormous appreciation for Ms. Day. She is a special woman with great wisdom and a very generous loving and compassionate heart. She is loved dearly by all that know her.
-Nanette Gill – Crystal Lake, Il.
My name is Nanette gill from Crystal Lake, IL. A friend of mine told me about Ms. Day and her talents. When I contacted her, she was immediately embracing. Her warmth and generosity is only surpassed by her vast knowledge and understanding of Astrology and how our star map, at the time of our birth impacts our existence. Ms. Day has a remarkable ability to translate her scientific and technical findings into a more simplistic synopsis I could easily understand. For two years now, knowing Ms. Day and working with her has been truly a gift in my life.
– Kathie Smythe – Flemington, New Jersey
A famous philosopher said “Know thyself”. Sage advice indeed. I can think of no better person than Antoinette to help. She has been my personal astrologer for many years and has not only introduced me to myself but also guided me through the trials and tribulations of astrological influences on my life. It’s like listening to the weather and knowing when to bring an umbrella.